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Chocolate Brand Logo

This is a fictional chocolate brand that I was to create a logo design for. 


Using pastel colours, curvilinear accents and a touch of whimsy, this brand will certainly catch the eye for those looking for an elegant, unique approach to a new chocolate shop/business.



 I wanted to go for the similar elegant and sophisticated style as Laura Secord and Lindt Chocolate, with very pastel colour schemes & a dash of whimsical theming. 


I started off with a few designs that had too much detail, (i.e.; too many tiny star designs) but my general idea ended up being what you see in the final. A square border frame in pastel pink and blue with the company’s name “Enchanted Chocolates” done in Adorned Engraved font. In the middle, a framed ellipse with a lavender-coloured rose sits as the focal point. Chocolate brown curling swirls accentuate the border, along with small blue stars.


I also wanted to incorporate the estimated date of the company to give the logo a double dose of sophistication (as a fun easter egg, I made it 1998, which is my birthday.) 

Softwares Used:

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Indesign

Adobe Photoshop

Shopping Bag Mockup

Thumbnails in Concept Stage

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